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4 Turkey Hill Road                                     Richard B. Zang,
Newtown, CT 06470                                       Chairman
Tel (203) 270-4300                                   Marianne Brown             
Fax (203) 426-9968                           Louis Carbone
                                                           Philip Cruz
Fred Hurley,                                                           Alan Shepard
   Director                                           TOWN OF NEWTOWN  Carl Zencey
                                                    WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY  Richard Conte

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a special meeting on Monday, September 29, 2008, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at 4:10pm.

Present:  Richard Zang, Lou Carbone, Marianne Brown, Alan Shepard
Absent:  Carl Zencey, Phil Cruz

Also present – Fred Hurley, Public Works Director, Julio Segara and Jason O’Brien of AOS Operating Company

Approval of the Minutes:  Upon motion by Marianne Brown to approve the minutes of the July 10 and August 14, 2008 as presented.  The Public Hearing minutes of August 14, 2008 are accepted with the correction that Richard Conte was present, not Lillian Strickler, Richard Conte Seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Sports Academy/FFH Sewer Benefit Assessment-Dick Zang presented a letter to the FFH authority for the benefit Assessment. Marianne motioned to accept the letter presented, Lou Carbone seconded, Alan Shepard accepted the letter with an additional sentence that states, “The Fairfield Hills Authority may allocate this capacity as it sees fit subject to the approval of the WSA”.  This will allow them to defer the benefit assessment for the future.  For example, should there be a profit making company using all the capacity and a school comes in the future, it will cause a higher burden for the tax payer.  Modified motion was unanimously accepted.    

On-Call ContractAlan Shepard motioned to approve the on-call contacts from Fuss and O’Neil and Sterns and Wheler, Marianne Brown seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – One of the items discussed at previous meetings was to put in meters.  Spring is the ideal time for testing so it is getting too late in the season to move any further.  What the TVing of the collection system showed that there are no smoking guns, just a number of small problems.  The  TVing showed that there may be a problem with the quality of the sewer line in that area so Fred has requested the inspection logs for contract 6 to see if there is a pattern.  Dick questioned what the next step would be and at this point there is nothing that the commission can do except to install meters in March.  

Michael Burton request for application extension request for Washington Avenue – Alan Shepard excused himself due to a conflict of interest.  Michael Burton requested a sewer application extension dated August 6, 2008.  Marianne Brown motioned to extend the sewer application for the preliminary approval for 180 days.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.  

Eton Center – Queen Street & Church Hill Road – Still waiting on the appraisals, tabled to the next meeting.

33 Church Hill Road request for payment schedule – Alan Shepard excused himself due to a conflict of interest.  Raffie Aryeh has requested a payment plan.  The WSA request that a payment schedule be presented from Mr. Aryeh for an opportunity to negotiate.  

Annual Base Compensation AdjustmentAlan Shepard motioned to approve the annual base compensation adjustment presented by the AOS Operating Company, Lou Carbone seconded, motioned unanimously accepted.

Request for operator of private packaged plant at 75 Glen Road – The WSA would like a letter from Jason O’Brien with his thoughts on what the ramifications would be regarding AOS Operating Company’s contract with the town as well as our DEP permit. Alan Shepard as requested Fred Hurley to contact the owner and suggestion that he contact service company’s directly to operate the facility.

FY 09 Budget – tabled to next meeting

2009 Meeting ScheduleMarianne Brown motioned to adopt the 2009 meeting schedule with the addition of January 14, 2010,  Alan Shepard seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Report by Public Works Director – Fred Hurley’s comments were made during the meeting regarding the items on the agenda.  

Report by AOS Operating Company(on the agenda as United Water Suez) –The sewer plant ran well.  The nitrogen was at 90% removal.  Water well 3 is up and running but not back on line waiting for chloroform testing.  They are only getting 60 to 80 gallons per minute. Originally the well could produce 150 gallons and they were running it at about 130 gallons per minutes.  Fred has requested a quote for a new well to bring the capacity back up.  One of the causes of the pump going bad was the 5 day draw down that USGS did for their study.  From that point forward, the well has not produced the capacity it had.  There was a sewer back-up at the Police Department caused by calcified grease.  The commission would like Fred to contact the Health Department and request a letter to going out to all the restaurants in the sewer district reminding them of their responsibility to maintain their grease traps.  

Have no further business, meeting was adjourned at 5:20pm.

Arlene Miles